A birthday gift weaving loom from her daughter Lily, Clarissa weaves a Chilkat/Ravenstail neck “scarf” while fishing with friends; a beautiful partly sunny day on the east side of Shelter Island, Juneau, Alaska — June 2016
No matter what size my weaving loom, be it 7ft. wide, 4ft. wide, 3ft, 2 ft. or 1ft., all my looms are portable. They have to be. I am always on the move.

The gallery and the fishing pole are proof, Clarissa is weaving while friends are fishing…a glorious place to weave as long as we keep the fish separate from the weaving!!!
For the past two years, I have been weaving four ensembles for my very first, and most likely my last, exhibit of weavings. I’ve had financial support from several funding organizations that have helped pay nearly all of my personal and business expenses; this support has been a luxury.
The following are the organizations that have provided me grants to do this exhibit:
* 2015 Native Arts and Culture Foundation Fellowship Grant, Vancouver, Washington State
* 2015 1st People’s Fund Creative Capital Grant, Rapid City, South Dakota
* 2016 Tulsa Artist Residency, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Clarissa’s weaving in the hotel room at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Hollywood, Florida — September 2016
I have been traveling a lot this year; all of it has been business-related where I squeeze in family visits when I can. Portable weaving looms and financial support have enabled me to continue doing my other business-related work such as doing a presentation of my work during the NACF Board Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, Florida, and the following week to attend the annual Las Vegas Souvenir and Gift Show.

With a refreshing treat of a small bowl of cherries, Clarissa gives herself a foot bath while weaving…
I’m teaching myself how to “relax” in the midst of movement, creativity, business and sometimes chaos. Listen up weavers; if I can do it, so can you!

One of three completed woven strips to be a part of an ensemble entitled “Girl Gaucho” — the ensemble is part of an exhibit “Layers of Love” opening at the Bill Reid Gallery in Vancouver, B.C. Tuesday, October 18th, 2016
I am living proof that we Chilkat and Ravenstail weavers can get our work done in the midst of movement!