A close up of my "Argillite Totem"Although messy, charcoal is fun to work with.   I enjoy the instant contrast from dark to light depending on pressure and the number of strokes in a given place.

You may visit the previous blog ent

Adding more charcoal to obtain higher contrast

I used a workable fixative; next time I’ll use a non-workable fixative for the final coat!

Clarissa sprays fixative on her "Argillite Totem" stapled to the studio wall outdoors

I started this charcoal back in March; you may visit the blog entry that posted the beginning of this charcoal at by clicking here.

The finished piece waits on a table for the body of the wood frame column

I waited for the frame to be built before I sprayed and applied the canvas to the column frame.

the completed piece photographed with a mirror behind it

“Argillite Totem” with a mirror behind it to see a glimpse of the other side of this totemic column.  –  This won 2nd Place in the Contemporary arts category of the Sealaska Heritage Institute’s Juried Art Show 2012.

See a video of the awards ceremony:

<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/43684698?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0” width=”480″ height=”264″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>