After buying a brand new (or sometimes 2nd hand) iron averaging $10 to $40 every 3 or 4 years for since I began sewing in 1974, I invested in a $240 “la machine!” I must have reliable equipment to get my work done in a timely manner; I cannot rely on “lesser than” equipment. The last iron that conked out on me was terribly disappointing because I could not finish my job. It’s not like I can just go out and buy me a new iron in a small remote town in Colorado Rockies whose stores are not open on Sundays!
So while I was shopping in Juneau’s “JoAnn’s” all the irons were on sale for 40% off. I hauled this huge iron back to my studio in Colorado. It’s been worth it. Such a pleasure having a tool do its best. In turn it helps me to do my best (and in a timely manner)!