Poet/writer Al Pizzarelli and his wife Tlingit artist/writer Donna Beaver Pizzarelli and their Mini-Coup
Eight years ago Al Pizzarelli and Donna Beaver met at a Haiku Poetry convention out there on the East Coast (but pardon me, I forget where!?). It was love-at-first-sight for Al; Donna didn’t know what to do with his notoriety, talent, charm and wit except to collaborate with him on a project that totally inspired both of them; years later, they are still at it!
Alan Pizzarelli is a poet, musician, and artist born in 1950 to an Italian-American family in Newark, New Jersey. He is the author of 13 collections of poetry. During the early 1970s, he began a serious study of haiku and related forms in New York City under the tutelage of Professor Harold G. Henderson, author of An Introduction to Haiku and Haiku in English. Since then, many of Pizzarelli’s poems have achieved worldwide acclaim and have appeared in a variety of textbooks, journals, and anthologies.
I recently read Al’s “Frozen Socks.” Each brief piece of writing took me around the block and back again. It’s the first book of poetry I read from front to back and then again! I had three nights to hang out and work at Donna and Al’s home in New Jersey. I divided the book into three sections. When I tucked myself into bed each of those three nights, I read one section. The writings brought me to tears, made me laugh too loud and stopped me in my tracks. I tell you he is one heck of a Raven Trickster who reminds the reader of our vulnerable human condition!
This book is hot off the press available for purchase on Amazon for only $12.95 with additional shipping. Order your copy today by CLICKING HERE
A member of the Tlingit Kaagwaantaan (Wolf) Clan, Donna Beaver Pizzarelli was born in 1961 in Juneau, Alaska. She hails from a long line of artists, most notably her late mother, beadworker/doll-maker Anna Beaver and her late grandfather, carver Amos Wallace. A media artist who specializes in web-design, research and podcasts, she is a visual artist extraordinaire, a writer and is about to embark on the path of her grandfather Amos: metal/stone jewelry.
In 2009, hosts Donna Beaver and Alan Pizzarelli produced the first Haiku Chronicles podcast. Today, more than 30 episodes later, what started off as a grass-roots effort with just a few hundred listeners has now grown to over two million plays of their episodes around the globe! You may visit their Haiku Chronicles website by CLICKING HERE.

Donna put Clarissa to work in giving a coat of gloss medium to the front and back of Donna’s book of poetry entitled “Rainforest Poems”
Donna and Al have a couple of weeks to complete their website updates, print and assemble Donna’s book of poems, receive their shipment of Al’s books, and pack their recorders, laptops, cameras, etc. into their little Mini-Cooper to drive up to Schenectady, New York State to attend the international Haiku Convention. Non-stop they work together in their writings, productions, art and music. Hanging out with them has reminded me of how a pair of people totally in love and committed to one another and their art forms can change a small aspect of the human race.
You may read more about Alan Pizzarelli and Donna Beaver Pizzarelli when their individual websites are back up and running.