Gusts of wind at Monument Valley, near Kayenta, New Mexico — March 2016 — photo by Rene Sioui Labelle
When we are young, many of us do not think in terms of the legacy we leave behind for our children, friends, family, community and the world. When we are young we are looking forward to all that life has to offer and we make choices based on our desires; this is natural way to think and be. Then one day, when we are much older than young (and for each individual that age varies), we reflect upon our lives; all those who we have come to love, the places we have lived, the work we have done, and our basic yet evolving character. We think about our pending mortality. We think about what we will do, and where we will be with whatever time we have left. We think about who we have become and what we have accomplished and the who, what, and where these things will be when we pass. Yesterday my daughter, Lily wrote me a touching letter of gratitude for showing her the way and life of Chilkat weaving. The following is my response to her:
My Lily Lalanya:
With each of my children and their children, I leave a part of my legacy; it’s the who and what I am about.
With Kahlil, I leave a variety of my artwork: painting, collage, weaving
With Ursala, I leave my home, studio, garden
With you, I leave my teachings of spirituality, values and technique of the spiritual/artistic life in Chilkat weaving
Know and come to understand fully all these things are rooted in love. Everything I co-create is created from love and the best of these creations are my children; my children are my greatest legacy. In love you were created and creation continues to create you in love. Look about you and all that you are and be; look at all that you have co-created as you will never create any of what you are and have by yourself — all of creation is co-created…we never create alone.
We are a culmination of all that has been before, what is now and the future all at once in one small creation: the I of who we are in this very moment. All of us are legacies of everyone who has come before us.
It is well you, my dear Lily, are in the love and power of Chilkat; let it continue to guide you in goodness and wellness for many, many years to come.
Yo Mamma love