Oct 18, 2014 | Adventures of Rear-Mirror Rissy, Health and Wellness, Tools-of-the-Trade |
“Secrets of the Millionaire’s Mind” – Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth – by T. Harv Eker
I can very well relate to T. Harv Ecker’s definitions of the POOR person and Wealthy Person. After reading Ecker’s definitions, I can say that I have not come out of being a POOR person because I have not mastered 2 out of the 17 definitions; they are #12 and #15 on this list. I am sharing this with y’all because it’s my nature to do so. When I come across something that I think would be beneficial for many of us, if not all, I share it…!
The 17 Differences in MINDSET Between a Wealthy Person’s
Outlook and a POOR Person’s Outlook:
(Definition of POOR: Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly)
1) I Create My LIFE vs. LIFE Happens to me.
2) Rich people PLAY to WIN — POOR people play not to lose.
3) Rich people commit to being Rich — POOR people can’t commit to goals or outcomes.
4) Rich THINK BIG — POOR people think small.
5) Rich people focus on Opportunities – POOR people focus on Obstacles.
6) Rich people admire other Rich people — POOR people resent successful people.
7)Rich people associate with successful people — POOR people associate with negative unsuccessful people.
8) Rich people are willing to promote themselves & their value — POOR people think negatively about selling and promoting.
9) Rich people are bigger than their problems — POOR people are smaller than their problems.
10) Rich people are excellent receivers — POOR people are POOR receivers.
11) Rich people choose to get paid for their results — POOR people choose to get paid based on time.
12) Rich people manage their money well — POOR people mismanage their money well.
13) Wealthy people focus on their Networth — POOR people focus on their bills.
14) Rich people think: “BOTH” — POOR people think: “either or”.
15) Rich people have their money work for them — POOR people work hard for their money.
16) Rich people act inspite of FEAR — POOR people let FEAR stop them.
17) Rich people constantly learn new things — POOR people think they already know.
— T. Harv Ecker “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”
I have always thought myself to be one of the wealthiest people I know. I have been in pretty good health especially for my age, I have a variety talents that I have used to make a living and continue to do so, I lack a substance-abuse addictive personality, I am mentally sane, I have two handfuls of very close friends around this country, my siblings are half-way decent with me, I have three fine children, and 7 wonderful grandchildren. However, I don’t have money (not at this point in my life anyway). I work hard for my money; it comes and it goes. Though I am not thousands of dollars in debt like I have been. Now that I am single (and not plural), I haven’t changed much since I was married. I still behave as if I have money because like I said, money comes and money goes…it’s a cycle. Yet, I want to experience being filthy rich with lots of money. I desire to know what that feels like. I wonder if the experience will be any different than my childhood, or my entire adulthood where I lived hand to mouth. I am going to find out!!!—Let’s see if I can be a millionaire within 5 years!
May 11, 2014 | For Crying Out Loud, Health and Wellness, Honoring Others |
Clarissa’s mother Irene Loling Sarabia Lampe berry-picking at SueAnn’s home – My mother protected herself from the blood-sucking mosquitos; she wore two layers of clothing, fingerless gloves (before you could buy them in the store) AND a shower cap! — August 2001
One of the most favorite things to be and do with my mother was berry picking…We picked berries almost every August since I can remember filling up our freezers and jars until she was 80 (just 4 years after this photo was taken). 2005 was the last year we picked together; she decided that it was risky to be romping around in the forest even though she was very careful. She was avoiding breaking a leg or worse yet, breaking a hip which she warned us to never do since at that age will be the downfall of one’s health.
For the past three years, Mother’s Day has been a day of both sorrow and joy. Like any of us whose mother’s are one of our best friends for life, I miss her so I have my moments of sorrow; yet, at the same time, I am a mother to three great kids! After our mother’s passing on July 4, 2011, I wrote a blog entry about my Mother; you may read and see more photos of her at: http://www.clarissarizal.com/blogblog/?p=1983
I invite you to also read her obituary with historical photos at: http://www.clarissarizal.com/blogblog/?p=2025 These photos include images of my Grandmother and Grandfather Mary and Juan Sarabia, childhood, etc.
Top: Clarissa’s parents William and Irene Lampe with first grandchild, 18-month-old son, Kahlil on father’s boat the “Clarissa Rizal”, Excursion Inlet, Alaska – July 1978 — Middle photos of Clarissa’s children: Kahlil, 5 yrs old; Lily, two yrs old; Ursala, one yrs old — Bottom photo: Clarissa, 2nd grade school photo
I am fortunate to be the mother of three fine kids; and my children are now parents!
Clarissa and her children Ursala, Lily and Kahlil in front of “Jennie Weaves An Apprentice” Chilkat robe – July 2011
I am blessed with four wonderful grandchildren with two more “waiting in the eaves” to be born this July and October!
Just got out of the movie theatre….Clarissa’s four grandchildren L to R: Elizabeth Hope and her brother, Louis, Violet Hudson and Amelie Haas — they make up the three clans of H’s: Hope, Hudson and Haas!
I have known for a very long time that I am one of the most wealthiest women I know. My definition of wealth is defined by my family, who we are, where we come from, who we be and what we do. I wish you a very a Happy Mother’s Day,…today and always!
Apr 4, 2014 | Adventures of Rear-Mirror Rissy, Health and Wellness, To See or Not to See |
TheGreat Sand Dunes between Crestone and Alamosa, Colorado is 30 square miles at the base of 14,000+ peaks
I will learn to take weekends off on a regular basis from creative endeavoring work. Weekends are a luxury for the self-employed and it’s about time I incorporate this type of luxury, (though in the next two months I have a major deadline to complete the Chilkat robe I am weaving), so I am postponing regular weekends until AFTER I deliver the robe!
Having at least one day off from work helps rejuvenate and revitalize our bodies, mind and spirit. We need this type of “food” to nourish and support us. It helps keep our creative juices flowing!
I appreciate a great travel partner who instigates simple great adventures and is attracted to the same subtle and not-so-subtle images, energies and beauty in nature. Of the many places Dan and I have traveled to and through in Western North America over the past 5 years, from the American Southwestern states up through Montana, Alberta, Yukon and Southeast Alaska, the early evening day trip to the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado last weekend captured my entire being. I felt as though I were walking on holy ground, sacred ground…vulnerable yet spiritually and physically powerful. I am happy I followed Dan’s lead to this place of mysticism and sacredness.
Patterns made by the wind
These are the highest sand dunes in North America up to 750 feet covering 30 square miles at the base of the Colorado Rockies between Crestone and Alamosa. We arrived in mid-afternoon when the sun was lowering on the horizon for better contrast of light and dark. I complained like a kid “…are we there yet!?” because the straight highway drive was absolutely boring, especially after driving through phenomenal scenery driving down from the Leadville area the day before!!
The Great Sand Dunes National Monument Park has excellent signs guiding visitors to respect the environment with do’s and don’ts
I yearn to return to the Sand Dunes. I imagine just to sit and be there. In peace. Alas, I have other commitments and major deadlines one right after the other; I have a Chilkat robe that I have to finish weaving by June 1st, then I have to deliver it, then I have 6 classes to teach in Yukon and Alaska and I do not return back to Colorado until mid-Summer when the Sand Dunes Park will be cluttered with too many people!!! — So alas, we must wait until AFTER Labor Day weekend because we will avoid the crowds.
Dark and light waves has been imprinted in my heart and mind inspiring me to want to paint, draw, charcoal images of nothing but sand dune language!
Dan soaks up the sunset, the silence and stillness
I know Dan and I must return to this place. Not just for an afternoon but for at least an entire week. Camp out. Hike. Bike. Play flute. Play a hand drum. Do Tai Chi. Take photos. Paint. Draw. Sit and be still at the top of one of the 750 ft. peaks. I have even imagined living nearby just a few miles South of the dunes, or make a yearly trek in a camper van and just hang out. I have never been to a place that has tempered me like the way a camp fire tempers me. I feel a large solid heart filling my entire chest and abdomen – it is obvious the spirit of the Great Sand Dunes has filled me to no end. We shall return. Soon.
Who would walk with their back against the sunset?
Click Here …..to view more photos of the Great Sand Dunes…and better yet, the next time you are in Colorado, check out the power and spirit of this magnificent place!
Apr 1, 2014 | Health and Wellness, Honoring Others, Relationship Overdrive, Tlingit Culture Accentuated, Uncategorized |
Cheap Chilkat weaving in colors of red (a taboo), black, turquoise and cream — by Clarissa Rizal 1985
30 years ago, when there were less than a handful of weavers, I thought I’d try my hand at Chilkat weaving without an instructor. I wove this Chilkat sampler using cheap clothesline for warp and commercial 4-ply black, turquoise, cream and red (a taboo) weft yarns. Instead of using the traditional yellow, I thought red would be nifty because the rest of our traditional artwork uses these same colors, so why not?
According to a Chilkat weaving elder from Haines, Alaska, the late Maria Ackerman Miller warned me not to use red in the weaving because it signifies the weaver as being egotistical. Both Maria and the late Jennie Thlunaut said weavers only use red for example in the tongue of a wolf.
Cotton clothesline used as warp for a Chilkat sampler by Clarissa Rizal — 1985
I have never publicly shown this weaving until now. I’ve hidden it for 30 years and it is now coming out of the closet. I have reasons for this. I want to show an example of one of my very first attempts at Chilkat weaving, where I didn’t have some one to help “show me the way” nor receive proper instruction on using fine, traditional materials or to teach me the taboos…yet (not until my apprenticeship with Jennie Thlunaut the following year in 1986). I show this sampler here also to show any beginner students of Chilkat weaving to have compassion for self as you learn the intricacies of weaving in this style; you WILL become a better weaver — a few of us start out as perfect weavers, others like myself do not! Not until last year have I felt like I know what I am doing in Chilkat weaving… 30 years later! hello!
I also wanted to show my tendency to get a big head, especially when I was younger!
Teachings such as the ones I received from Maria Miller Ackerman and Jennie Thlunaut are invaluable; they help keep us on the right “spiritual” path. Our elders will tell us many things we do not understand, though we have the respect to follow through with their words and their example without question. In our culture, we do not ask the question “why?” A respectful Native (or non-Native) person will heed an elder’s lead.
It is good to be humbled now and then. Sometimes we do get big-headed; we forget the words of our Native mentors, though there are things that bring us back to “who we are.”
Feb 11, 2014 | Adventures of Rear-Mirror Rissy, Health and Wellness |
Make a Castor oil pack with: Castor oil, flannel fabric, & Pure Herbs “5 Oils” – saturate cloth with castor oil mixed with about 4 drops of the “5 Oils”, place on chest, put a piece of plastic between the pack and your clothing; let sit on chest while resting, napping or at bedtime
With a relentless cough that was into it’s third week, I suspected that I may have had Bronchitis, but when the doctor said I had Pneumonia, it was hard to believe!… (Me, Clarissa Rizal has pneumonia!? How is that possible!?) He prescribed antibiotics of course and when I asked him what the side effects were, he hesitated for a moment and replied: “…nausea, vomiting, headaches, intestinal disorder…” to which I said to myself, “okay, no problem, I can take supplements that would counterbalance those disorders.” —- Ha! After reading the clinic’s handout on the side effects of the antibiotic for Pneumonia; NOT!
One of the best remedies when catching the flu virus symptoms or any time you have any flu-like symptoms: the homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum — most health food stores carry them — and even Fred Meyers has it!
I was about to take the antibiotic, when I decided to read the four-page document on the antibiotic BEFORE! Good thing I did; it was quite the eye-opener and educational experience. This is what I discovered:
My cough began during the 2nd week of the flu (mid-January); up until two days ago I had been taking cough drops and cough medicines to get rid of the cough to no avail – after three weeks of coughing, the intensity peaked over a week ago. So this being said, a pneumonia that sets in during the course of the flu virus is a viral pneumonia as opposed to the bacterial pneumonia. I have the viral pneumonia. Hello!?!?!
The Levofloxacin antibotic prescribed to me would not help rid me of the virus because (according to the clinic’s handout they gave me): “…an antibiotic is for a bacterial infection, not a viral infection. Pneumonia caused by the flu virus may be treated with an antiviral medicine and most other viral infections must run their course – viral infections will not respond to antibiotics.”
These herbs were recommended for my personal immune system support – from Pure Herbs, Ltd. A half dropper-full of each in 4 oz of water once/day first thing in morning, though because of the acute condition of Pneumonia, I added another dose just before bedtime. Click here for Pure Herbs website
Okay, we got that straight: the antibiotics the doc prescribed me will not work because I have the viral pneumonia as opposed to the bacteria pneumonia. So back to the side effects the doc mentioned. Well…according to the three-page hand-out the clinic provided for me about the antibiotic, here is the comprehensive list of the ADDITIONAL, real side effects, and mind you I quote this info right off their hand-out sheet:
These herbs were recommended for me to strengthen my heart, brain and immune system – A half dropper-full of each in 4 oz of water once/day first thing in morning, though because of the acute condition of Pneumonia, I added another dose just before bedtime
“Levoflaxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, can cause serious side effects. Some of these serious side effects could result in death. If you have any of the following serious side effects while you take Levofloxacin, get medical help right away…”
“If you have any of the following symptoms of a severe allergic reaction:
- hives
- trouble breathing or swallowing
- swelling of the lips, tongue, face
- throat tightness, hoarseness
- rapid heartbeat
- faint
- skin rash”
Now hold on, this list is just the beginning,….there’s a whole lot more….
Natural antibiotics and immune support: Mullein and Goldenseal tinctures, Echinacea capsules and Elderberry syrup – A half dropper-full of the two tinctures in 4 oz of water once/day first thing in morning, directly before lunch and because of the acute condition of Pneumonia, I added another dose just before bedtime – One capsule of the Echinacea taken at the same time, and directly afterwards a teaspoon of the Elderberry Syrup — NOTE: Golden Seal and Echinacea should only be taken for brief episodes of not more than a week on Golden Seal and not more than two weeks on Echinacea. If you anything different, then follow that rule.
“Other severe responses include:
- Tendon rupture or swelling of the the tendon (tendinitis)
- Worsening of myasthenia gravis ( a problem that causes muscle weakness)
- Liver damage damage (hepatotoxicity)
- Central Nervous System Effects (Seizures, hear voices, hallucinations, paranoia, suicidal, headache with blurred vision)
- Intestine infection (Pseudomembranous colitis)
- Changes in sensation and possible nerve damage (Peripheral Neuropathy) – The nerve damage may be permanent in arms, hands, legs or feet
- Serious heart rhythm changes (QT prolongation and torsades de pointes)…may cause an abnormal heartbeat and can be very dangerous.
- Joint Problems
- Changes in Blood sugar
- Sensitivity to Light”
Do you think I want to take any chances in attracting any or all of these (possibly permanent) conditions? Heck no! (Pardon my French!)
ceramic Netipot and Netipot salt – The cleansing of the sinuses via the Netipot is an East Indian tradition. During the period I had my Pneumonia, I also had a sinus infection which also affected my ears (a normal connection). I performed the cleansing of my sinuses twice daily first thing in the morning and because of the acute condition of Pneumonia, I added another Netipot session directly after dinner
- I was diagnosed with pneumonia; good, now I can remedy the situation accordingly
So with the assistance of my kids and a couple of my friends, who had researched healing Pneumonia naturally, I compiled a few remedies and my rigorous regime that I share with you here in these photos. Remember, this is the regime I created for myself. You can copy exactly what I did, or you can modify to your desire; it’s up to you. Use your intuition and common sense. Keep tabs on your recovery. Little by little, depending on your recovery time, you will decide which remedy you will decrease and/or cease.
In the olden days way before the use of pharmaceuticals, we knew how to remedy ourselves of illnesses. Some day we are going to go back to those ways. It’s always good to know a little bit about natural ways of healing for the preservation of this knowledge for future generations.
OH, and one more thing: Did you know pneumonia is highly contagious? Be mindful; be full of care.
Supplements: 1000mg vitamin C, L-lysine, Probiotics, Vitamin B Food Complex taken during meals. The Vitamin C and Vitamin B Food Complex I’ve taken once a day for many years. I take L-Lysine whenever I think cankersores or a cold sore is about to spring up on my lip, and the Probiotic I have taken once in a blue moon if I’ve got intestinal stuff going on —- In this acute case of Pneumonia, I upped the daily dosages to: 5 capsules of 1000mg of Vitamin C (or “bowel tolerance” amount), 2 L-Lysine, 6 capsules of Probiotics, and the regular dose of 1 Vitamin B tablet.
The first day of this regime was quite the day. I spent four consecutive hours doing nothing else but taking remedies, making and eating meals, resting with the castor oil pack, making and drinking the concoctions and cooking and eating the potassium broth; then, I did the main part of the cycle all over twice again, once in the afternoon and once again at night — this rigorous regime took a total of 12 hours! hello! By the time 10pm rolled around, I was whooped! So I devised a method to be more efficient…
A roomy pillbox to be used as a 7-day container OR to hold your variety of supplements —
Organization is the name of my game to be keep my efficiency strong because I am a very goal-oriented person; my daily activities and projects are numerous (even though I don’t get anything done when I am not well, BUT my mind is still racing with what I WANT to get done! haha!)
I devised a couple of methods to keep track of my efforts to heal self AND to be more efficient so I had time to rest! I used two tools: above is the pillbox with the specific number of daily supplements I took, and below is a chart that I referred to many times to keep me on track.
To assist you in keeping track of what remedy you took when, create a chart. — With more than 20 remedies to take either before, during or after meals, this was the only way I could remember! (and besides that, like I said, I like being organized!) — I labeled the days of the week on the left of the columns and the name of the remedy at the top with the amounts per day (as shown)…this chart is one half of two pages of remedies!
What is your diet? With any type of respiratory ailment, and at least while you are healing your self, stay away from mucous-causing foods such as all dairy products: All! There are no exceptions. No corn. And for those of you who have a difficult time eliminating sugar and wheat, just remember, the length of time is only during the time you are trying to heal. Once you are well and feeling 100% better, go ahead and get back to your “normal” diet.
Baked Garlic — Yum!!! Directly after the doctor’s diagnosis, I baked a week’s worth of garlic — meaning: I ate one entire bulb of garlic per day in one sitting! That’s equal to 15-20 cloves of garlic. If you have a weak stomach, maybe 3 or 4 cloves from the bulb would be safe for you; intake all depends on you and your body. Warning: You will smell like roasted garlic, but hey, do you want to heal yourself naturally or suffer!? — To Bake Garlic: Place whatever number of garlic bulbs you want to cook on a cookie sheet and place in preheated 350 degree oven for 35-45 minutes. It’s that simple! — Immediately after I ate that first bulb of garlic, my grogginess and headache disappeared! Wow, now THAT is a remedy!!!
The following are invigorating, healthy, supportive, non-invasive, no-side-effect-drinks that will help revive your spirit, mind and body. Drink at least once cup per day.
Boil about 1 tsp. fresh grated ginger in 2 qts. water for about 15 minutes, strain and drink a cup once a day – can add honey but I prefer the enjoyment of its strong, simple taste (must be the Asian in me!) — great for circulation and warmth
I forgot to photograph my “potassium broth” before I finished it off last night (oh well, it looks like chicken stew without the chicken!). Potassium helps heal the lining of your lungs. If you have any heart conditions, do not take this broth! The potassium broth can be juiced raw or you may steam the veggies and eat the entire “soup.” Here’s the recipe for one serving of raw, juiced broth:
* 4 cloves garlic * 2 radishes * 2 big carrots * 2 stalks celery * a couple of pinches of parsley * water
I didn’t want mine raw. Luckily we have the option to steam a version and create a potassium soup using a lot more than the ingredients above. My recipe was something like this:
1 bulb baked garlic, peeled and chopped, then wash and chop the following: *8 carrots * 6 stalks celery * 2 zuchinni * 1 bunch radishes — place all in pot and cook in 3 quarts of water — after veggies are soft, then add a big handful of chopped parsley —- chow down as much as you can stand; it’s a wonderful soup to aid lousy-feeling lungs! This pot was enough for 4 large servings! I had one serving per day for 4 days!
1 TBSP Bragg’s organic Apple Cider Vinegar in 8 oz. glass water two to three times per day before, during or after meals – helps detoxify system as you strengthen and maintain your immune system — I cannot say enough about this all-time remedy maintain the general health of an individual, animal or human!
You will figure out your own regime depending upon what remedies you decide to take. Like I said, I did this entire regime. The first day, I didn’t know what the heck I was doing so I didn’t have the “schedule” down pat. After the first couple of days, I figured out a more efficient method based on what I had to take, before, during, or after meals. Here’s my schedule broken up into morning, noon and night:
MORNING upon rising in this order: * heat water for lemon water drink * brush teeth * drink 1 glass water * drink 1st set of herbs in 4 ozs. water * netipot (allows first herbs to pass through system 15 minutes, before taking second set) * drink 2nd set of herbs in 4 ozs. water * place two drops of “5 Oils” onto back of neck * wash up/get dressed * drink 2nd glass water * take Echinacea/goldenseal/mullein tinctures in 4 ozs. water followed with 1 tsp. Elderberry syrup * make breakfast and eat * make lemon/honey drink and take supplements of Vitamin B, Vit C, Probiotics and Biosil directly after breakfast * brush teeth * drink 3rd glass water * fill humidifier, place on high or low
Drink two 8 oz servings, one in late morning and late afternoon of this wonderful, soothing, zesty concoction to ease sore throat & up your Vitamin C intake: Pour hot boiled water in a mixture of 1/2 Lemon juiced into mug, add 1 to 2 tsp. Honey — Stir and enjoy!
AFTERNOON in this order: * drink 4th glass water * take Echinacea/goldenseal/mullein tinctures in 4 ozs. water followed with Elderberry syrup * netipot (allows herbs to pass through system 15 minutes, before eating) * make lunch and eat * Eat one bulb of garlic (15-20 cloves in one bulb) * make lemon/honey drink and take supplements of Vit C, Probiotics and Biosil directly after lunch * brush teeth * drink ginger drink * place castor oil pack on chest, lay down and rest
Drink at least 6 to 8 cups of pure, clean water per day – Yes, that’s on top of all the other liquid concoctions during the healing of Pneumonia! — It’s extra special and easier to drink the water if it’s in a hand-blown glass like this one! If it’s hard for you to drink water, having a special glass helps ease the chore!
EVENING in this order: * drink 6th glass water * drink 1st set of herbs in 4 ozs. water * make dinner * take Echinacea/goldenseal/mullein tinctures in 4 ozs. water followed with 1 tsp. Elderberry syrup * Eat dinner * make lemon/honey drink and take supplements of Vitamin B, Vit C, Probiotics and Biosil directly after dinner * netipot (allows first herbs to pass through system 15 minutes, before taking second set) * drink 2nd set of herbs in 4 ozs. water * place two drops of “5 Oils” onto back of neck * wash up/get dressed for bed * drink 2nd glass water * brush teeth * fill humidifier, place on high or low * castor oil pack on chest
During the course of the day, in between meals, you may take extra Vitamin C as much as your bowels can stand (it’s called “bowel tolerance”- like how much Vitamin C can your body stand before your stools become diarrhea? As soon as that happens, you know that that is how much vitamin C your body can have, so keep track of your amounts). Mine can stand 5 capsules of 1000mg of Vitamin C.
You can also include other teas and drinks like “Throat Coat” and “Breathe Easy”, orange juice, apple/cranberry juice, etc. Remember these drinks do not count as your water intake. Water is very different than drinks, teas, etc.
A humidifier is a must when healing any respiratory dis-ease! The moisture will help break up the mucous in your lungs. I filled this humidifier twice a day, first thing at sunrise and last thing after sunset. If you’d like, you may add a couple drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to the water.
Make sure your spittoon is available to you the entire night through. You want to relieve your body of that mucous. I have noticed that most of my big coughing spells were at 2 am and 4 am I also noticed that I coughed more laying down than when I was upright. I kept my spittoon close at hand all day long too!
If you don’t have a fancy spittoon, create one from a brown paper bag. To keep the bag open, fold the top edge of the bag down. Place in plastic bag. After you’ve discarded your used Kleenex into the spittoon, this creates a buffer barrier to catch any spit and mucous, therefore eliminating the use of Kleenex thereafter. A spittoon accommodates to the amount of mucous your body will be expelling during this healing process.
Rest. I cannot say this enough. Rest. I am not good at this, but maybe you are. There are only a couple of things that can keep me in bed; reading books is one of them. I read more books in the past couple of weeks than the past 10 years. It was all good.
Play soothing classical music like Traichovsky’s “Nutcracker Suite.”
Okay, there you have it! A natural method of healing Pneumonia! If you or anyone else you know has Pneumonia, you may try any and/or all these remedies! I suggest you do research on line for more natural remedies.
I’ve been on this regime for 9 days. As of this day, February 11th, I am 90% better. I am cutting back on the dosages of the herbs, Echinacea, Elderberry, Goldenseal and Mullein. I am beginning to take only 3 capsules each of Vitamin C and Probiotics. I have quit doing the Netipot; my sinuses are back to normal. Though I continue making sure that no matter what I have at least 5 to 6 cups of good water a day! I plan on continuing an extension of this regime for another week just to make sure I am in the clear.
I am a testament to healing my body naturally instead of taking the risk of using antibiotics that would not have cured me anyway because like I said, antibiotics work on a bacterial infection not the viral infection that I have.
Today is really my very first full day to work; it’s great to be back!
While detoxing your pneumonia, coughing up balls of mucous is “normal.” To help keep your teeth, gums and the rest of your digestive track healthy, brush your teeth at least three times a day — who knows what’s in that mucous! — Let’s avoid finding out!
Spiritual folks say that attracting pneumonia is a reflection of the person experiencing deep grief and/or a death wish. This couldn’t be more true for me. This past Winter since end of November 2013, I have been grieving the loss of my parents. Although my father passed 5 years ago this past December and my mother passed 3 years ago this July, in those years I was experiencing a lot of other major losses and adjusting to all the changes all at once. This past year has been the first year in 7 years that I am just beginning to feel a bit settled down and I guess the grieving of my parents was delayed until this past Winter.
During this bout with Pneumonia, I realized at one point that I was grieving my parents because over the past three months, anytime anyone brought up the subject of their parents (who were still alive), I would cry silently. I longed to talk to my parents. I wanted to share the joy of their great-grandchildren (my grandchildren) together. I wanted to see them having fun with my kids being parents. I wanted my grand-children to get to know their great-grandparents and be old enough to remember them when they passed. During my illness, there were many times I cried deeply as I remembered my parents. Now, as I am closing in on healing myself of this illness that has plagued me intensely for the past three weeks, I know I am almost done with coughing up all the “grief” out of my lungs. Letting go.
Sigh…We live and learn.
William and Irene Lampe walk the path along Twin Lakes enjoying the daisies – Juneau, Alaska – July 2007 — One day many years ago, before going out the door to walk the dog, Irene grabbed some of William’s packets of daisy seeds – she spread the seeds along the Twin Lakes path. The daisies grew, spread their seeds and now many years later thanks be to Irene, we have big patches of daisies between the lakes and the old highway!
Good-bye Mom and Dad. I sure miss you; I sure love you!